Terror attacks in Brussels and Istanbul.
Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Keith Lamont Scott, Terrance Crutcher murdered.
Five Dallas police officers murdered.
Brock Turner.
Attack at Pulse Nightclub.
David Bowie dies.
Glenn Frey dies.
Phife Dawg dies.
Merle Haggard dies.
Prince dies.
Muhammad Ali dies.
Prince Be dies.
Gene Wilder dies.
Arnold Palmer dies.
Leonard Cohen dies.
Sharon Jones dies.
Attack at Ohio State.
Standing Rock.
Tennessee burns.
I'm sure that I've missed something.
Lots of sucking happening in that list, huh? But you know something...when I stood on the banks of the Currituck Sound, days after the attacks in Brussels, holding my four-year old daughter and watching the sun gleam off of the water the only thing I could think about was how such beauty could never be taken by terrorists.
In October, when I stood in a crowd at the feet of Kelsey Lu, whose name I had never heard before, and listened to her voice and her cello I was not thinking of any of the terrible things that happened this year. In that moment all I could think was about was how such beautiful sounds could transfix a room full of strangers.
We need these moments. They give us life and hope and strength. Angel Olsen has reminded us that "some days all you need is one good thought strong in your mind." This year seemed to provide a never ending stream of loss and suffering. But when I really reflect on it I can see the beauty and joy and love sprinkled into it.
Music always helps. I have my favorites. Here are some that helped me through.
Kelsey Lu - Church
DIIV - Is The Is Are
Hamilton Leithauser + Rostam - I Had a Dream that You Were Mine